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[Sticky] Apprentice Pictures

136 Posts
66 Users
15.7 K Views
Michael Samdahl
Posts: 24
Eminent Member Apprentice Bladesmith

Although I have completed about 10 knives, half of them have made their way to the trash. This is only the 4th knife I am comfortable taking to completion. This is the knife before I do my leatherwork and then finish sanding. I have some very obvious flaws such as: two nicks near the spine and the top of the bevel. The tip has been fixed as the very tip are went blue while I left the front on a millisecond too long while running up in polishing belts. So I moved down grits and ground it back. The  handle lines are pretty good, but one side has an indentation in the flats, and the other side has some burn spots on the handle. If there are any other flaws you guys can find let me know so I can improve. Doing the false edges and trying to match the specific facets of the handles and convex bevels.



Posted : 05/04/2024 4:11 pm
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