Persimmon Wood Knif...
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Persimmon Wood Knife Handles.

5 Posts
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Posts: 10
Active Member Apprentice Bladesmith
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Hi! My name is Spencer Phillipson. I was wondering if anybody had experience in persimmon wood knife handle scales. A quick search of wood database told me that it was an extremely hard wood, a member of the true ebony family, actually. Knowing that ebony is a viable knife handle material, it probably stands to reason persimmon is, too. Does anybody have any advice on this particular wood? 

Posted : 15/02/2024 1:12 pm
Posts: 10
Active Member Apprentice Bladesmith
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I think I'll try them. Wait for a follow up in two years! (not seriously, but thats when it will be seasoned). 

Posted : 18/02/2024 8:27 pm
Michael Samdahl
Posts: 43
Trusted Member Apprentice Bladesmith

Spencer Phillipson

Maybe ask this guy who made a chisel handle on his comments:


Posted : 20/02/2024 2:06 pm
Posts: 10
Active Member Apprentice Bladesmith
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Mr. Michael, 

Thank you for the video reference! The comments said that persimmon was used for golf heads, so tough stuff! My dad was/is a professional handmade cabinetmaker and wood carver, and he said that ebony was extremely hard wood that was stable as well. If persimmon is in the ebony family as Wood Database says, it makes sense why its so hard and dense. 

Posted : 21/02/2024 8:24 pm
Posts: 10
Active Member Apprentice Bladesmith
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In Christ,


Posted : 21/02/2024 8:24 pm